Thursday, February 16, 2012

Helpful Meiosis Videos

The teacher in this video does a good job comparing the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis (# of divisions, end products, goals).

This video makes the details of meiosis (especially to process of crossing over) very easy to understand. I have to get some of those magnetic beads so we can do this in class.


  1. The second video was very helpful. The way the women explains Meiosis cleared some things up for me, especially crossing over. The tools she used showed the chromosomes very well and made a lot of sense. The first video we watched in class and although the man was strange, really helped with learning about Meiosis and what happens during it.

  2. I agree with Maggie I thought that the second video was really helpful. She explained meiosis simply so it was easier to understand the steps of meiosis. Overall, I thought both video were helpful in clearing up the process of meiosis.

  3. I agree. The second video was definitely the most helpful. It clearly explained a well throughout and detailed description of crossing over and the process of meiosis. She expressed mainly the most important facts which it made it a lot easier to understand. However, the first video helped as well even though the man used a lot more description and it got kind of confusing because his lesson was not as clear.

  4. Although I thought the second video was more helpful regarding information on meiosis, the first video was helpful as well. I really liked the magnetic beads used in the second video, and the visual was better. I liked the chart used at the end of the first video because it showed the comparison clearly and simply. I also liked how the video showed mitosis and meiosis next to each other so they could be compared more easily. Overall, both of these videos were helpful.

  5. I'm glad these were helpful! I think the next step is for us to make our own videos like this, but that will be for another project.
